Ambient Light Sensor Emulator for wluma

This is a fake ambient light sensor for those who don’t get one built into in their laptop.

Mainly done for wluma and based on @maximbaz’s work. wluma is a great project that sets screen brighness based on screen contents and ambient light around you.

The following modes are available:

  • webcam: takes a webcam capture with ffmpeg and approximates ambient light value out of image brightness.
  • time: approximates ambient light value based on the current time, all the day.
  • noon: approximates ambient light value based on the current time with the noon as reference.
  • daylight: approximates ambient light value based on the solar phases, twilight.

See readthedoc for more informations.


See requirements.txt:

  • ffmpeg (needed for webcam mode)
  • python-pillow (needed for webcam mode)
  • python-requests (needed for requests api)


On Arch Linux, use AUR packages wluma-als-emulator or wluma-als-emulator-git. Releases are signed with my PGP key: FC9B1319726657D3 .


wluma-als-emulator [-h|--help]



To make a quick test from a virtualenv

make ARGS="--help" run
make ARGS="-t noon -s 3" run

